Catania Half-day
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PREMIUM: Chef for a day, cooking lesson at Catania

A cooking class that will make you protagonists in the preparation and tasting of typical dishes, one afternoon with the chef in the kitchen.
  • Easy
  • Tue - Wed - Thu
  • ITA - EN
  • Min: 1 Person
Offers details

Buy your PREMIUM Gift Box and contact us to book your experience when it suits you.

A cooking class at the foot of Etna, at Gravina near Catania, at the restaurant of the chef Angelo Scuderi, a former student and assistant to the famous master of the kitchen Gualtiero Marchesi.

This will be a special experience: you will be students in a cookery school, members of the kitchen staff, and at the same time customers in the restaurant! The cookery class will make you protagonists in the preparation of the Menu of the Restaurant, right from the start with the selection of the raw ingredients. Taking control of the kitchen, together with the Chef, you will spend an afternoon as if you really are true staff members.

After the cooking class you will take off the apron and become yourselves guests of the restaurant. You will enjoy a dinner and a menu that you yourselves have helped to prepare. A rare and unique satisfaction!


This experience is for 1 people.
Cooking class with the chef Angelo Scuderi, dinner with drink included and a souvenir.

Not included

Everything that is not specified in the "include".

How to reach us

The cooking class will take place in the Ristorante Al Giardino. Address: Via Roma, 62 - Gravina di Catania (CT) - 95030.

Booking terms and conditions

Buy your PREMIUM Gift Box for yourselves, or give it to one of your nearest and dearest.

Terms of use

Once you have purchased your Gift Box, you will receive an email with a digital voucher.
You can use your voucher yourselves, or give it to who you like.
Just choose from amongst our wide range of offers the experience that you most want to live, and give us a call to book the date that works for you.
The coupon is valid for 18 months from the date of purchase.

Cancellation policy

The Gift Box is valid for 18 months from the date of purchase and is not reimbursable.

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