General terms and conditions: technical chart Sicilying
Technical Organization: SICILYING TRAVEL
Aut. n: D.D.S n. 101 / S9-TUR del 07/02/2014, Regione Siciliana
Insurance RC: ERV n. 64630084-RC17, ramo Organizzazione e Intermediazione Viaggi.
Corporate Name: SICILYING SRL.
Legal Seat: Piazza Cavour, 32, 95125, Catania (CT).
Operative Office: Via Rocca Romana, 38, 95124, Catania (CT).
REA: CT-337021 CCIAA Catania.
VAT and Tax Number: 05017200873.


The validity of each proposal is indicated into the Program of the Travel attached under letter C herein, as well as each quotation.


In addition to paragraph 12 of the General Conditions attached under letter A herein, terms and conditions performed by each carrier shall be applied, without any liability of SICILYING in the event that, due to such terms and conditions and / or to such carrier’s default, replacing is impossible or too expensive.


Day and quotation eventually indicated into the Program of the Travel attached under letter C herein.


Pursuant to art. 16 of Law 268/98: "The Italian law punishes with imprisonment any crime related to prostitution and child pornography, even if committed abroad."


Municipal taxes, whatever, relating to vacations of one night at least, in hotels or other accommodations, ARE NOT included in the package prices set-forth herein, and shall be paid separately according to local dispositions.


The personal data provided shall be used exclusively to perform the service requested by the customer. The supply of these data and the acquisition of customer’s consent is optional, but a refusal to, could lead to failure, completely or partially, the execution of the service. The data treatment may be carried out through collection, recording, storage and processing of the data, both with paper and electronic tools. The collected data will be stored at the legal seat of SICILYING, Piazza Cavour 32, 95125 Catania (Italy) . The data may be disclosed to the partners of Sicilying who are involved in the performance of the requested service. Data communication shall be strictly limited to the performance of the obligations, of the duties and for the purposes of this treatment as set-forth herein. In no case data shall be widespread. At any time, customer may exercise his rights, pursuant to art . 7 of Legislative Decree no . 196/2003, by obtaining confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning himself, about content and origin of such data, as well as verifying accuracy or requesting integration or updating or rectification . Customer has also the right to demand the cancellation of such data, the transformation into anonymous or to block any treatment violating the law , and to oppose for legitimate reasons, to their treatment contacting, in written, SICILYING SRL, legal seat Piazza Cavour 32, 95125 Catania (Italy) , phone 0952265853 - fax : 095226585. Person in charge of data protection is legal representative of the Sicilying SRL .
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